Thursday, May 28, 2015

Voxer is my Creative Council

I don't think I can say that I am still a part of the #yourEDUstory blog challenge since I have missed more than I have written.  But, I am jumping back in this week!  This week's prompt asks "Who would be in your creative council?"  This is an idea taken from Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison who surrounded themselves with people who would question their ideas and challenge them in positive ways.

For me - I think I have two creative councils:

I have a core group of #GTAMTV14 friends that are all in a Voxer group called #StrataProblems (the name is a #DTIMP thing).  These 6 people have supported me through anything I needed this school year - and I would like to believe I have helped them a little too.  If anyone has a question we can ask it openly and we expect truthful and honest answers in return.  This council gives me direction when I need it, a laugh at just the right time and an insight to other districts, schools, jobs and more!

My other council is our #CAedchat moderator team.  We don't tweet or chat each day, but if someone needs something this team is ready for action.  As co-moderators we lead a large group of educators through a series of questions each Sunday night at 8pm PST.  But as friends, we can lean on each other for words of wisdom or a helpful slap on the wrist if needed.  We also have a Voxer group so if we need more than 140 characters we are able to talk through an issue.

I had never really thought about it before - but having these people in my professional life has really be great over the past year.  We all need someone to talk to and to bounce ideas off of sometimes - so find yourself some #eduawesome friends who are willing to tell you the truth (even if it isn't easy) and start your own Voxer group!  You will be glad you did!

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